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The emotional impact

Separation can be hard for parents and children. 5 podcasts on our Youtube channel help with some of the common emotions people experience, developed for Family Journeys by psychotherapist and trauma specialist Lorna Evans of the MindMovement.

There are podcasts on anxiety, anger and understanding emotions.


Further support

Talk to us

Talk to us.png

Helping your children

Conflict of any kind between parents is difficult for children and can have a lasting impact on their wellbeing. 

Children benefit from being able to talk about their feelings and to understand parents' decision to separate in ways they can understand, and without blame.

Young Minds guide for parents

Because its for the Kids - from Children Beyond Dispute (download)



Let's Talk want to help reduce inequality and support young people (11-26), in Edinburgh and Scotland to improve their own sexual, emotional and mental health.  

Let's Talk information

Let's Talk: What's On?


Rights of the Child

Your Guide to Children's Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

A booklet for parents, carers and family members

The UNCRC Rights of the Child Booklet


Bright Light

Bright Light are the largest provider of relationship counselling in Scotland, offering a comprehensive range of services throughout the Lothians.

Information can be found here


Getting Practical

Did you know there are a number of apps available to help parents to make arrangements for children and other matters - both parents ensuring the information is shared and communicated on the app. Some parents find this helps reduce stress and misunderstanding.

We're not promoting these apps - using them and deciding which one is best for you is your choice. But we're interested to see what you think of them or any we have missed:

Our Family Wizard







Thumsters (focus on children's support and behaviour)


Understanding mediation

If you are thinking of trying mediation but don't know much about it, these youtube introductions by Exeter University give a good overview about what happens, and how parents feel about their experience.

How Family Mediation Works: Kim's story

How Family Mediation Helps: Eleanor's story

Family Mediation What Happens? Wendy's Story

Considering Mediation? What you need to know



Healed  Scars Trauma and Abuse Recovery (HSTAR)

This organisation offers up to 8 hours free trauma counselling for women aged 16 and over, who are residing in Scotland

HSTAR information

Self referral form



Dads Rock, is a third-sector organisation that has been running for over 10 years. They provide valuable resources for supporting the whole family in a father-inclusive way.

Dads Rock website

Referral form


Trauma Healing Together

They offer free help to anyone aged 18 and over and currently living in Scotland who has experienced trauma. You do not need an official diagnosis and can self-refer via their website. They aim to see clients as soon as possible.


Wellbeing for Wee Ones

Parent Club Scotland resources to help parents positively engage and parent.

Information can be found here






Family Journeys | Scottish Charity SC012815 | Scottish Company SC110356

519 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh EH11 3AJ

0131 322 3863 (Reception lines are open Tuesday 10-3, Wednesday 10-4 and Friday 10-1)


Member of Relationships Scotland    

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